Vixen Spotlight- Hailey Gordon
Hailey Gordon
- Yakima, Washington
- 17 Years Old
- Participates in Archery.
Hailey has been participating in archery for 6 years, ever since she watched the hunger games!
- Off-Road Vixens
- HMK Grizzly Archery
- Sign Craft
- Sun Screen Printing
- Enigma Marketing
- Continuing competition.
- One day being able to compete in the Olympics!
- Make her own bow company.
Taking 70th in Worlds! In state I got 6th! Many 1st place local competition!
Words of Wisdom:
Don’t practice until you get it right.... Practice until you can’t get it wrong!
Side Note:
"I suffer from anxiety and migraines, heart problems, scoliosis, and learning disabilities! Archery has helped me get through these hurdles!"