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Vixen Spotlight- Penny Cartwright

Penny Cartwright


  • From Prince George, BC
  • 37 Years Old
  • "On the family farm we rode around on sleds as kids.  Now I ride with my friends and my husband. He pushes me to make me a better rider each time we hit the mountain."


Penny has been snowmobiling for over 20 years! She practices as often as she can.


  • Off-Road Vixens
  • The Decal Den
  • DSG Snow


Her goals are just to keep having fun, and enjoy the times on the mountain with her kids.

Words of Wisdom:

"Don't let people drag you down, always look up and keep going. Don't be afraid to register for that clinic even tho you are the only one you know going! Step outside your comfort zone, get educated and have some fun!!"

Side Note:

"I am a mom of two awesome boys, married to my best friend.  We truly live by the statement "Work Hard To Play Harder". I love going where the cell has no service and the fresh mountain air is for miles."

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1 comment

  • She is an amazing rider and even better lady! GET IT GIRL!


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