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Vixen Spotlight- Ginny Hopper

Ginny Hopper:


  • From Visalia, CA
  • 52 Years Old
  • Ginny enjoys biking, hiking, and camping.


Ginny has been riding motocross for about 28 years. She practices about 3-4 times a month. 


  • Off-Road Vixens


"Get better finishes by the end if this season. And completely heal from an early season crash. To continue at this level until I can't."


Ginny won the women's novice class last year in the Over the Hill gang! 

Words of Wisdom:

"Try something new!"

Side Note:

"Motocross has been my outlet from everything else life deals you. Motocross and God.No matter what your ability first and foremost have fun at what you are doing. Life really does go by fast."

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